Sleep a Little Easier with These Tips
Once you make these simple changes to your routine, there can be a great impact on your quality of sleep.
Articles about alternative medicine, fulvic acid supplementation, and AEON.
Once you make these simple changes to your routine, there can be a great impact on your quality of sleep.
Dr. Amita Fotedar, a research scientist, has developed a detailed white paper on Himalayan Shilajit’s main ingredients Fulivc and Humic Acids which are also the active ingredients in a Canadian product called AEON.
The afternoon slump affects many people every day. It is the period in the middle of the day where you feel so exhausted that you just can’t do anything.
You may have heard the term leaky gut before or you may even be experiencing its symptoms but not understand the origins. As interesting as it sounds, leaky gut syndrome is now a common term used to describe the dysfunction of your stomach’s internal membrane which dictates the absorption of nutrients and at the same time the removal of toxins.
The study included an experiment adding the antidepressant fluoxetine, the scientific name for Prozac, into the mix. Fluoxetine blocks serotonin transporter, the tube which contains the Turicibacter, in mammals. Adding fluoxetine caused the Turicibacter to be significantly less responsive compared to if fluoxetine was not present.
Key studies have indicated that the fulvic acid supplementation can help reduce body fat.
AEON is the evolution of Shilajit, an ancient Ayurvedic medicine used for thousands of years for its vast health benefits and longevity properties.
Science has identified that Shilajit is a source of Fulvic and Humic Acids, which are it’s active ingredients and why it works.
They are Nature’s organic super nutrients that nourish and detoxify your body and mind. AEON is 100% Canadian sourced, extracted and purified Fulvic and Humic acids
INVIKTVS Scientific Innovations Inc.
186-8120 No 2 Road
Richmond, British Columbia V7C 5J8
DISCLAIMER: Some of the above information has been derived from experimental data and has thus not been approved by standard medical bodies as of yet. The above data does not take into account any genetic defects or other unforseen problems related to nutrition and metabolism. This information is not intended to replace any medical procedure, advice or protocol prescribed by a medical practitioner. Consult your doctor before going on any intensive nutritional supplementation
Copyright © 2019 AEON Fulvic acid leaky gut supplement.